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原曲版本對照: Thank You Lord
Michael Loo
黃苑翹 Katrina
Verse 1 敬畏獻上這一天, 謙卑屈膝跪拜聖殿壇前 我深感 祢恩典 厚厚賜予不終斷, 源源無窮盡祝福怎計算  我深感 祢恩典 Pre Chorus 烙上祢印記,將薪火點起, 用熱力動力,我要讚美祢 Chorus 感謝神,真心真意感謝神 感謝神,真心真意感謝神 Thank You Lord Verse 2 祢帶領我的方向 多得真光在漆黑中發放 我深感 祢釋放 祢脫去罪惡綑綁, 親手醫好內心憂傷重創  我深感 祢釋放 Coda (Final Chorus last line) 復興之火, 發光發熱感謝神, Thank you Lord
Verse 1 I come before you today And there's just one thing that I want to say Thank you lord Thank you lord For all you've given to me For all the blessings that I cannot see Thank you lord Thank you lord Pre-chorus With a grateful heart With a song of praise With an outstretch arm I will bless your name Chorus Thank you lord I just wanna thank you lord Thank you lord I just wanna thank you lord Thank you lord Verse 2 For all you've done in my life You took my darkness and gave me your light Thank you lord Thank you lord You took my sin and my shame You took my sickness and healed all my pain Thank you lord Thank you lord
